The story of Kelly and Pat
Maybe it’s boring how we got to know each other but it was so life-changing! Pat and I met on Facebook and we’ve been chatting less than a month until we first met in Düsseldorf. The distance between our cities was about 50 km. We met in February 2016 and since last August we are parents to our little surprise boy Levi ♥️. Now we live near Düsseldorf with our cat Kuzuri 🐱.
Questions to Her
On Our first date…
It was very memorable to both of us because Pat arranged our date on his own birthday 😱I felt so special that he’s sharing this day with me. We’ve spent the whole day together and it was so beautiful. A week later we had our 2nd date. We went to the old town and had a couple of drinks. Soon we noticed that we aren’t able to get home by train anymore. I then got that awesome idea to sleep on the couch at my workplace. We arrived there around 4 am. Pat and I were still a bit tipsy so we talked a lot and I showed him the Tattoo studio where I worked. While I cleaned it we were listing to some music and after that, we cuddled up and fell asleep on that small vintage couch. This was my perfect day even though it wasn’t the first date.
During the first months of dating my deal-breaker would be…
My dealbreaker was my job. I love to work, but Pat appeared so suddenly in my life and brightened it up so I had to decide. Since I hate making decisions the universe made it for me. I lost my apartment so I had to quit my work!
The first 6 months weren’t easy for us but they made us stronger. Pat was there for me when no one was. It brought us together. When everything was getting normal again (we got our new jobs and moved together) we learned that we would have a baby! Wow, that year was full of new experiences and lovely moments. 10 months later in the labor room, we got to know that we’ll have a beautiful son…after we all thought it would be a girl! I couldn’t believe that this moment would be so intense and beautiful. It is hard to explain how it feels seeing our baby for the first time. Becoming parents is simply beautiful. All this lovely and sometimes difficult moments strengthened our bonds! I love him so much. He’s everything to me.
I learned He is right for me when…
He was there for me when my closest friends and family members weren’t. In these moments he showed me that I could count on him no matter what. He helped me even we didn’t know each other that well. I just want to thank you here right now, darling. Thank you for being my bastion of calm.
I had a cultural shock when He…
The first thing that comes to my mind is that Thai put so much sugar into their food 😀 They have sweet sausages, sweet soups and much more! That was really a shock for me that it is just normal for Pat to put spoons of sugar into his Thai soup… 😀
But it tastes so good too!
3 things I love about Him are…
Just 3 things? There are way more reasons why I love this wonderful man! Especially that we have our little bean together… that is definitely reason number 1. Also, we share the love for football 🏈 🙈 even if we love different teams! We both ADORE sushi too 🍣 ♥️🙈 But let’s come back to the 3 things I love about him…
I fell in love was with his eyes. On our first date, he stood right next to me and the sun shined into his brown almond shaped eyes. My heart melted. They are always shimmering with a honey golden color when the sun is shining into them and that’s really beautiful! I’ve never seen such fascinating dark eyes ♥️
He’s my best friend. I can talk to him about everything and I can share with him everything. I can’t hold any secret from him, because I always get the urge to tell him just everything. I can’t even stay silent about the surprise gifts I got for him but he does the same thing! We can’t hide anything from each other and that’s beautiful. I can always trust him that’s so important.
He is always there for me and he loves me for who I am. I can be myself and do what I want. He cares about me, he is loving and protective of me. He’s my own and personal dark knight.
The biggest misconception about His country and culture was…
Since I’ve always had Asian friends ( I was always surrounded by Asian friends since kindergarten) and especially from Thailand. My longstanding girlfriend in middle school was from Thailand so I almost grew up with their culture. Pat grew up here in Germany so we have not so many cross-cultural differences. Maybe just their language and their family diet.
The most beautiful thing He ever did for me was…
He helped me even though we didn’t know each other that well. I really don’t want to think about where I would be back then if he wasn’t there for me. Maybe I would have moved back to my hometown (300km far-away). He arranged a room at his friends flat for four of us (my 2 Black cats on board too) and my furniture. After a while, we moved to his parents cause we wanted to be near our beloved Düsseldorf again. He did so much for me and he still does! I’ve never seen a person like him! My personal dark knight saved me several times already.
During this relationship the most important thing I learned about myself was…
To love myself again. I also learned that I am accountable to none or something and that I should let go of all these negative people around me. He helped me to make a fresh start.
If there is a piece of advice I could give to my fellow Western girlfriends who are into the AMWF relationships that would be…
We shouldn’t focus on where we are from! We are all the same – HUMANS! We should focus way more on the shared values and help others to find their inner peace. This would make our world a much greater place to live in.
Also, stay patient. Men tend not to speak much about their feelings and the Asien men are even more difficult when it comes to express what they feel. They are like a solid rock. But if you have patience and give your partner the strength and love he will open his heart. Asian men aren’t that outgoing when it comes to feelings or the way of thinking. Just don’t force them. They will open up sooner or later.
Questions to Him
Asking Her out for the first time was…
I was so nervous the first time I asked her out because I didn’t know how to start a conversation with her. We were friends on Facebook for a while but we’ve never chatted so far. I decided to wait for a while and wrote to her after I saw she had posted something about my beloved Football. Everything has started from there. We had really long and awesome conversations! We exchanged our phone numbers and had our first date a couple of days later. We felt so comfortable together and had many things in common so we started out after a small number of dates.
I learned She is right for me when…
I knew it already at the beginning. We share so many things in common and we have so many similarities. It’s so funny, we often complete our sentences and thoughts. We laugh a lot together and I am so blessed having her by my side.
I had a cultural shock when She…
I’ve never visited the USA so I can’t say anything about it and since we both grow up here in Germany, we almost grow up with the same culture. The contrast between the German and the American culture isn’t that different. I really can’t wait to visit her family back in Colorado this Christmas. She shows me always those beautiful pictures. Christmas is more interesting in the USA and they have definitely more snow in the Rockies. I really can’t wait to go skiing and have some fun over there.
3 things I love about Her are…
There are more than 3 things I really appreciate and love about Kelly, but let’s start with the 3 things:
She is such a caring person. She looks after everyone and everything and especially after me! For example, she is my little animal rescuer. If she sees a poor snail which is crossing a road she takes every single one and put it into the bushes. Last week she rescued a hurt bird. She couldn’t sleep if she would have let this bird laying there on the street. It took a long way to bring this poor little bird to a person who is caring for hurt martlets.
One more reason why I love her is that she gave birth to our beautiful son! She has such a strong personality and she copes with everything she wants.
I fell in love with her big blue eyes. They really got me from the beginning. She’s the most beautiful woman to me. I love her just the way she is.
The biggest misconception about Her country and culture was…
Maybe I will spot something when I visit the USA. I really like North America and so I do love the great Football! Just like she does! We love to watch the Super Bowl together even if it’s kinda tricky with the time differences between USA and Germany. I will hopefully build my own opinion about America in December.
The things that She likes to do for fun with me are…
We loooove to play video games together even if there is not so much time anymore since our little boy is here. We also enjoy having some really long walks with our baby and talking about our everyday life and our future plans. It’s kind of relaxing for us both. We love our lovely movie nights and our tasty dinner dates. We both love good food!
She hates when I…
Oh, haha! I am not the man of many words. I love it short and crisp. Also, she’s not really amused when I am way too serious. When I’m getting too serious she calls me a muscle then we both laugh and everything is fine again. She also did not like when I am too noisy during the night with snoring and keep waking up our little boy.
During this relationship the most important thing I learned about myself was…
to trust in other people again. And to trust in each other. I love to have her at my side and if you can set trust in others again it’s easier to live and have a happy and healthy relationship. Without trust, there is no good relationship, so I’m really thankful.
If there is a piece of advice I could give to my fellow Asian friends who are into the AMWF relationships that would be…
I can give you just one good advice. Listen to your heart and gut instincts! Everything is possible so it is worth to listen to yourself. If you really trust in yourself you get a lot back. I helped her out in her most difficult moments and she’s giving me back so much! I would do it over and over again. The risk was totally worth it.