Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /wp-includes/pomo/plural-forms.php on line 210 Tag Archive for "how to date a girl from a different culture" | Anna Recommends
The story of Michelle and Takeshi
Takeshi and I met at dinner one night with a mutual friend in December of 2012. I was living in San Diego, California and he ...
This intimate blog has been envisioned by annareco, a Polish lifestyle blogger and traveler who, after 3 years in Beijing and 6 months in Taiwan, shares her life stories while discovering what it means to live in Asia. Join an exclusive community of health-conscious people who love Asia and explore the ancient wisdom found in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Catch behind-the-scenes glimpses of real Chinese culture and be inspired by teachings of Confucius.