Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /wp-includes/pomo/plural-forms.php on line 210 Tag Archive for "Relax" | Anna Recommends
Hot foot bath before heading off to sleep it's a convenient and quick method to make you sleep faster. You have plenty of important points on feet and using a ...
Life expectancy & Blue Zones
Asian countries are in lead in terms of life expectancy: Japan, Singapore (where 75% of the population is Chinese), Hong Kong... even the biggest and most ...
Brief introduction to Chinese massage
Tui Na is a therapeutic massage that has been used in China for more than 2,000 years. The biggest advantage of Chinese massage is the fact ...
Brief introduction to Facial Treatment
Facial treatments help maintain skin glowing and revitalize me when I feel tired. Personally, I love most moisturizing facials, because the Beijing air is extremely dry ...
This intimate blog has been envisioned by annareco, a Polish lifestyle blogger and traveler who, after 3 years in Beijing and 6 months in Taiwan, shares her life stories while discovering what it means to live in Asia. Join an exclusive community of health-conscious people who love Asia and explore the ancient wisdom found in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Catch behind-the-scenes glimpses of real Chinese culture and be inspired by teachings of Confucius.