Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /wp-includes/pomo/plural-forms.php on line 210 Tag Archive for "3 thigs i love about him" | Anna Recommends
The story of Laurien and Shunjiro
Laurien is a student who works as a swimming teacher. In June 2019 she will graduate a psychiatric nurse. She was born and raised in Antwerp Belgium. ...
If you've ever been in love, you know how hard is sometimes to put your feelings into words...Thankfully, there are some amazing people out there who have managed to articulate ...
The story of Athena and Ed
Ed and I have known each other for almost four years now and been married for three of those four years! Our relationship was a ...
The Story of Paul and Victoria
Paul and Victoria met through mutual friends throwing a karaoke session at their favorite Asian-style karaoke joint. In New York City, karaoke rooms are the ...
The story of Sunny and Jason
I am from Romania and he is from Hong Kong. We've been together for over 2 years. Things went super fast with us as we ...
The story of Rice and Potato
We met for the first time in Copenhagen Airport, both on the way to Japan. Rice was visiting his girlfriend in Japan and Potato was ...
The story of Sofie and Salvatore
Sofie and Thor met (shockingly) on Tinder, but then they REALLY met up in Walking Street in Pattaya Thailand for their first "date" while Sofie was visiting Thailand ...
The story of Faye Jones and Jeff Cheng
Faye and Jeff met on the color dating app. She has been working in Jonesboro Louisiana and he lives in Hong Kong. After ...
The story of Cassandra and Haoyang
Cassandra was working in Santiago before she got the China government scholarship to study at Henan University, where Haoyang got his bachelor degree in International ...
The story of Sacha and Kausal
Sacha is a mixed French girl (half Polish half Congolese) who lives in Paris and Kausal is a Belgian boy (Cambodian) who lives in Brussels. ...
This intimate blog has been envisioned by annareco, a Polish lifestyle blogger and traveler who, after 3 years in Beijing and 6 months in Taiwan, shares her life stories while discovering what it means to live in Asia. Join an exclusive community of health-conscious people who love Asia and explore the ancient wisdom found in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Catch behind-the-scenes glimpses of real Chinese culture and be inspired by teachings of Confucius.