The story of Faye Jones and Jeff Cheng
Faye and Jeff met on the color dating app. She has been working in Jonesboro Louisiana and he lives in Hong Kong. After three months of chatting on WeChat and Line, Jeff finally got the money up and jumped on a flight to Jonesboro Louisiana USA to meet Her in person. It was April 17, 2018. They got engaged in Hong Kong after Faye flew to Hong Kong to visit with Jeff in his home country for Jeff to propose to Faye at the Hong Kong Disneyland on April 19th. They have plans to get married twice (in The USA and in Hong Kong); It has been a busy time for both of them dealing with visa plans and planning to have children together on top of wedding plans. The long distance is hard but you can find them living happily together in Jonesboro Louisiana USA very soon! They are true soulmates and will stop at nothing to have a happy life together!
Questions to Her
On Our first date…
we went 4-wheeler riding in the USA in the woods in the midday of my family home to explore nature alone together. He kept asking me to speed up so we can both enjoy the fun and wind in our hair! He was holding me so tight and pressing his face into my neck at times. We were living the moment that life gave to us right at that very moment. We both felt so alive! It feels like we have been knowing each other all of our lives and we just found each other all over again. It was so romantic that I almost cried. Being with Jeff is magical!
During the first months of dating my deal-breaker would be…
nothing at all, because we love and trust each other fully. I feel so at peace with Jeff Cheng that nothing would stop us from seeing each other. I can’t see any deal breaker from him due to the fact that he is very trusting and very loyal in every way. You must trust one another to even show love and devotion. He makes me feel so alive.
I learned He is right for me when…
he protected me from harm while I was in Hong Kong and supported everything in my life. The way he looks at me is breathtaking, how he smiles at me just melts my heart, the way we both reach the middle ground and have a lot of communication with one another is amazing. He makes me laugh and keeps me happy the way no man has ever done before!
I had a cultural shock when he…
showed me around Hong Kong to see all the new and exciting things I can’t find in America! It’s so different from what I’m used to! The currency is not what I’m used to and the food is way more interesting than American.
3 things I love about Him…
the way he treats me, his loyalty, his intelligence…must I only name 3? Why can I just choose 3? Jeff is the other half of my soul, the very reason why I wake up in the morning, the powerful connection we both share for each other. Jeff is WAY more than just 3 things I love about him!
The biggest misconception about His country and culture was…
how everyone in his culture treats Western women with higher respect than others. I was not expecting this at all…In my culture, men are treated with higher respect than women. People believe men and trust in men a lot more in southern America than in women…so going to Hong Kong was a huge shock!
The most beautiful thing He ever did for me was…
propose to me in Hong Kong at Disneyland, after that he rented a 6-star hotel and we enjoyed the hot tub at the harbor! It was so romantic and very peaceful! We couldn’t keep our eyes off of one another at all. He is so cute, romantic, and sweet! We both seemed to ignore everyone else around us…to me and Jeff, it was just the two of us in the middle of the night enjoying each other love in the Hong Kong harbor view…nothing else mattered..we didn’t even care if others saw us kissing in the hot tub. It felt like just me and him all alone together in this world.
During this relationship the most important thing I learned about myself was…
that I can be calmed down from anger with the sound of his voice…and how much I truly need him in my life. He is the love of my life. I also learned that I do need time to grow in life and how we can grow together. I learned that life never has to be filled with darkness if you have a good light guiding your way through life.
If there is a piece of advice I could give to my fellow Western girlfriends who are into the AMWF relationships that would be…
always respect each others culture and language differences, always learn to reach middle ground during a dispute. What means one thing in Asia could mean something different in your country. Stay true and faithful because so many Asian men are more into the relationship than you may think. Always have time to sit and talk with one another no matter what. Love with all your heart and never give up! Try to adapt to him as he will adapt to you. Respect goes a long way, so never hate one race just because others did you wrong.
Questions to Him
Asking Her out for the first time was…
exciting because she asks me out first. She calls me for the first time and when I heard her voice..it was so cute! I was shocked when she asked me out, but I said yes! We talk on the phone for so many hours every night and day before I flew to see her.
I learned She is right for me when…
we had so much in common that we are almost the same person. She is beautiful in every way, her heart matches mine, she is so smart and talented! She loves everything I love. She is my dream girl! I do not understand why guys in her past do her so wrong.
I had a cultural shock when…
She told me the USA can hunt with guns! Woh! My Faye Faye told me all about how southern Americans listen to country music, drink in the country and watch the stars to enjoy life away from all the noises! Less stress and a better life with the woman I love. This is not Hong Kong!
3 things I love about Her are…
the way she describes things. She is So funny! I love her laugh! Her smell is…omg! She loves me more than any other girl has loved me before. She gives me hope!
The biggest misconception about Her country and culture was…
nothing! I love her country and culture. I want to be a citizen of America so I can join the military. I can adapt and start my family there.
The things that She likes to do for fun with me are…
hunting..going out to eat..and cuddling. She loves to bite me at random and take so many selfies! She has so much talent for artwork and I love to watch her making so many things. She is even learning Cantonese and it is so cute.
She hates when I…
talk bad about myself. She sees me as being better than I think I am.
During this relationship the most important thing I learned about myself was…
that I needed an older mature woman to help me grow in life. My dad even told me that having Faye in my life is going to help me become more of a man. My parents can see that she has been through so much pain. It shows in her face and the way she talks. My parents love her like a daughter and tell me to never hurt her. I learn that no other girl can love me as much as Faye can.
If there is a piece of advice I could give to my fellow Asian friends who are into the AMWF relationships that would be…
Any Asian man can have a Western girl. Never think you can not. Treat her well and she will see you as her kind. Southern women are the best though. They are real and true. Don’t be so shy, your woman is out there waiting for you!