Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /wp-includes/pomo/plural-forms.php on line 210 Category Archive for "Love" | Anna Recommends
The story of Laurien and Shunjiro
Laurien is a student who works as a swimming teacher. In June 2019 she will graduate a psychiatric nurse. She was born and raised in Antwerp Belgium. ...
The story of Katarina and Youngha
Youngha comes from South Korea and was on his cycling trip around Europe while he broke his arm in Georgia. During his rehabilitation, he came to ...
The story of Jasmin and Youngmin
Jasmin and Youngmin met on an App called Meeff. She is Estonian and grew up in Germany, and he is Korean and moved in 2017 ...
If you've ever been in love, you know how hard is sometimes to put your feelings into words...Thankfully, there are some amazing people out there who have managed to articulate ...
The story of Jacky and Jennifer
Jacky and Jennifer met at their first year of law school in South Africa in 2009. Jacky was born in Shanghai, China and moved to ...
The story of Alyona and Yeong-Il
In 2013 she came to Korea with her boyfriend (ex-boyfriend now). They worked in a Russian ship repairing company as a translator and an engineer. ...
The story of Deonne Nicole and Raymond Zhao
Raymond emigrated from China at the age of eleven, Deonne emigrated from the UK at the age of sixteen. Their houses in Australia were ...
The story of Amos and Karina
Amos and Karina first met in a café, and have been together for almost 4 years since March 20, 2015. They currently live in St. ...
The story of Athena and Ed
Ed and I have known each other for almost four years now and been married for three of those four years! Our relationship was a ...
The story of Choi Adventures (James and Jessie Choi)
James and Jessie met at a Korean church called Evergreen Church, Alabama where James was a worship leader (youth lay leader). Jessie ...
This intimate blog has been envisioned by annareco, a Polish lifestyle blogger and traveler who, after 3 years in Beijing and 6 months in Taiwan, shares her life stories while discovering what it means to live in Asia. Join an exclusive community of health-conscious people who love Asia and explore the ancient wisdom found in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Catch behind-the-scenes glimpses of real Chinese culture and be inspired by teachings of Confucius.