The story of Choi Adventures (James and Jessie Choi) James and Jessie met at a Korean church called Evergreen Church, Alabama where James was a worship leader (youth lay leader). Jessie ...
I married a total nerd and I love it
The story of Marni and Inwook Marni and Inwook met in Inwook’s hometown of Jinju, South Korea. Marni had been living alone in Korea for a couple of years beforehand, moved ...
He was good to me, he cared about me, he made me feel like a princess
The story of Alicia and Cheng We met back in 2013. We have been together for about just under 5 years now. Before we met, I didn’t really want to be ...
Cross-cultural relationships: I almost lost faith in love
The story of Danny and Andrea Questions to Her On our first date... I will call our first date the first meeting at the airport. I was super shy but really excited. I ...