Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /wp-includes/pomo/plural-forms.php on line 210 Tag Archive for "international couples advice" | Anna Recommends
The story of Athena and Ed
Ed and I have known each other for almost four years now and been married for three of those four years! Our relationship was a ...
The story of Kelly and Pat
Maybe it’s boring how we got to know each other but it was so life-changing! Pat and I met on Facebook and we’ve been chatting ...
The story of Mathilda and Bernard
They met for the first time at her job in Sweden April 16th, 2016 when Bernard was having a vacation visiting his family. After having ...
The story of Marie and John
John and Marie met at a fast food restaurant on 23rd Street in New York City. Actually, that’s where John first laid eyes on Marie. ...
The story of Luana and Pedro
Luana and Pedro met thanks to their common friends. They both live in Buenos Aires -Argentina, but he comes from South Korea. The cultural differences ...
This intimate blog has been envisioned by annareco, a Polish lifestyle blogger and traveler who, after 3 years in Beijing and 6 months in Taiwan, shares her life stories while discovering what it means to live in Asia. Join an exclusive community of health-conscious people who love Asia and explore the ancient wisdom found in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Catch behind-the-scenes glimpses of real Chinese culture and be inspired by teachings of Confucius.