Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /wp-includes/pomo/plural-forms.php on line 210 Anna Recommends | Beijing lifestyle
Traditional Chinese Medicine recognizes an afternoon nap (11 AM-1 PM) as an extremely beneficial factor in maintaining our well-being. If you take a nap around these hours during the day ...
Black Rice Sweet Porridge best during Winter Season
According to Chinese medicine black foods strengthen the kidneys essence which makes you live longer. Strong kidneys slow down the sign of ageing, ...
Kocoon Spa & Lounge...
is an elegant & quite place perfectly crafted for a gateaway day or night. Is it a day or a night, anyway, it frankly does not matter ...
Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. - Hippocrates
Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches us that food is the best medicine, because the things we eat are natural substance ...
I believe that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in many ways improved my lifestyle and in general my well-being. The most beautiful about TCM is that it heals you AND offers you ...
The story of Laurien and Shunjiro
Laurien is a student who works as a swimming teacher. In June 2019 she will graduate a psychiatric nurse. She was born and raised in Antwerp Belgium. ...
The story of Katarina and Youngha
Youngha comes from South Korea and was on his cycling trip around Europe while he broke his arm in Georgia. During his rehabilitation, he came to ...
The story of Jasmin and Youngmin
Jasmin and Youngmin met on an App called Meeff. She is Estonian and grew up in Germany, and he is Korean and moved in 2017 ...
If you've ever been in love, you know how hard is sometimes to put your feelings into words...Thankfully, there are some amazing people out there who have managed to articulate ...
The story of Jacky and Jennifer
Jacky and Jennifer met at their first year of law school in South Africa in 2009. Jacky was born in Shanghai, China and moved to ...